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Anne Freitas complete package

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TID Lady Member
Dec 26, 2014
So let me see if I have this correct
Jenner asks a legit question
it's taken the wrong way
now bigun is upset because fatty is upset ?
Anywhere in the ballpark in this ?

we do not read pm's nor will I tolerate an attack on a mod due to jealousy and insecurity issues

I didn't see this until it was way south after big told me about it. I'm not upset actually. If someone asks a question and they aren't happy with the answer and brow beats someone over said answer, it becomes annoying and seems immature and so the argument begins. I don't know Jenner at all and whatever big and Jenner are disagreeing about I don't care and wasn't my point or place. What I do care about is the fact that this is a bodybuilding board and there are prob women just like Anne here. Agree to disagree? I think she's beautiful and I give her props and praise hands down over a waif. Maybe this can be moved to a Planet Fitness forum? Peace out!


Oct 23, 2010
Cmon, you're a grown ass man.

Yes really! What the **** is wrong with you fat ass? There are thousands of these boards out there and many many more that cater more to male and female bodybuilders than this one does.

Delete me


TID Board Of Directors
Nov 24, 2011
FWIW.....I did not see Jenners post as offensive. It looked like a legitimate question to me. And being a man, and a decently built one at that, I too am a little surprised when another man finds women like that attractive. Hey to each their hate here. But it can still be puzzling for sure. Hell I know women that are turned off by overly muscled men. Seeing a woman who arguably carries more muscle then 99.9% of men, (even more than many men on this board) it is not had to wonder if there are really any men out there that like that. That is not it real. I think you will hear the majority of people say they "respect" the work put in but they prefer their women to look a little more.....well like a woman.

The problem becomes when everyone is offended at everything. I respect others rights to feel differently, but I dont mind saying how I feel different. I think people need to stop looking for reasons to be offended.


Friends Remembered
Jan 9, 2012
I didn't see this until it was way south after big told me about it. I'm not upset actually. If someone asks a question and they aren't happy with the answer and brow beats someone over said answer, it becomes annoying and seems immature and so the argument begins. I don't know Jenner at all and whatever big and Jenner are disagreeing about I don't care and wasn't my point or place. What I do care about is the fact that this is a bodybuilding board and there are prob women just like Anne here. Agree to disagree? I think she's beautiful and I give her props and praise hands down over a waif. Maybe this can be moved to a Planet Fitness forum? Peace out!

1. Who did I brow-beat?

2. That is correct, we do not know one another...have never interacted but you assumed I was being an are wrong..they way you responded was totally immature. If being nasty is your nature then..well...not much I can or will say about that as we are who we are. What I can tell you is, I don't attack people or respond in a shitty/nasty manner when I don't agree with someone...nor do I assume a complete stranger is "certain way" by reading into what they post. So, there is no need for you to respond...we will agree to disagree.

3. If you don't think that women in that bodybuilding class get asked the most personal things, you are naive and I'm sure if they had an issue with it, they wouldn't do it.

4. Don't ever project something on me that you do not know. I have been weight training since my teens..I have mad respect for ANYONE in this lifestyle whether I would go to the extreme or not..I have supported many friends that thing I cannot stand is someone telling me who I am or what I'm please don't.

As for big, dude...i don't know if you are on crack, too much gear or if you have just lost your mind but there was no reason to go after me like that and you know it. I'm not holding a grudge but I don't need people like you in my life...if that's how you treat your friends...I'd rather be nothing.

Thanks to the folks that didn't flip their lid, and it was a serious fuuuking question...still is :)


TID Board Of Directors
Dec 31, 2011
She's quite virilized. ie. skin and voice. Me personally, I like them a little softer but I totally cast no judgement on others because everybody is different and to each his/her own. My comment isn't meant to be taken in any negative way. Just observation. Now maybe if I know her for a while, things could change.


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
I'm going to chime in b/c my wife is a large woman... hell larger then most and I'd argue larger then damn near all the women on here and she's sexy as hell.

Jenner's comment ........... jesus.......... is a dig at Anne's physique. That's not some objective comment. You, Jenner, are voicing your opinion on how you don't like her look. Then you continue with your question... would any straight man want to be with someone like that? That's an attempt to validate your first statement of ..... jesus..... which you're saying you're disgusted by her look.

What message does the above comments send to female bbers who are on this board? If you actually think it sends a positive one... you're delusional.


Friends Remembered
Jan 9, 2012
I'm going to chime in b/c my wife is a large woman... hell larger then most and I'd argue larger then damn near all the women on here and she's sexy as hell.

Jenner's comment ........... jesus.......... is a dig at Anne's physique. That's not some objective comment. You, Jenner, are voicing your opinion on how you don't like her look. Then you continue with your question... would any straight man want to be with someone like that? That's an attempt to validate your first statement of ..... jesus..... which you're saying you're disgusted by her look.

What message does the above comments send to female bbers who are on this board? If you actually think it sends a positive one... you're delusional.

well, you are wrong "Jesus" comment was because I'm in awe....but I guess I'm lying because you are in my mind and know what I really meant.

I'm sorry that some of you are offended but I'm not going to apologize for what I say, how I say it etc....


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
Last edited:


TID Lady Member
Dec 26, 2014
1. Who did I brow-beat?

2. That is correct, we do not know one another...have never interacted but you assumed I was being an are wrong..they way you responded was totally immature. If being nasty is your nature then..well...not much I can or will say about that as we are who we are. What I can tell you is, I don't attack people or respond in a shitty/nasty manner when I don't agree with someone...nor do I assume a complete stranger is "certain way" by reading into what they post. So, there is no need for you to respond...we will agree to disagree.

3. If you don't think that women in that bodybuilding class get asked the most personal things, you are naive and I'm sure if they had an issue with it, they wouldn't do it.

4. Don't ever project something on me that you do not know. I have been weight training since my teens..I have mad respect for ANYONE in this lifestyle whether I would go to the extreme or not..I have supported many friends that thing I cannot stand is someone telling me who I am or what I'm please don't.

As for big, dude...i don't know if you are on crack, too much gear or if you have just lost your mind but there was no reason to go after me like that and you know it. I'm not holding a grudge but I don't need people like you in my life...if that's how you treat your friends...I'd rather be nothing.

Thanks to the folks that didn't flip their lid, and it was a serious fuuuking question...still is :)

I now assume you're an asshole from reading your aggressive and immature responses on this thread and other ones the year or so I've been on the board. As for the rest of your statement, I don't know where the **** you got most of that and really don't care. Read much into shit that has zero to do with you? Wasn't attacking at all hence my comment regarding you and big and me staying out of it. But you just made it personal to me and I guess that's okay? I don't even know what you look like to judge what you do or not do lol. Go back and read the entire thread. Not once did I come at you other than to be okay with an answer to a question you get and move on. Which clearly you can' any thread.
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