The comments
Jenner made had me immediately think she was questioning the sexuality of men who like really muscular women. And if that's the case, I consider that a form of trolling. It could also be just as bad as people commenting on Paarke's WYHI threads in a distasteful manner but the main problem is that the insinuation was made in the female bodybuilding section and not the "do you find this attractive?" sub forum.
No need to go all over the board questioning people's sexual attraction. Some might find my paused squat videos sexy... Don't come in that thread and shit on my parade! If I post it in the "does my ass look fat when I deadlift?" section, question all those that say yes. Actually, don't...
Let the comments be about the quality of her physique and what she's trying to achieve, not whether the people who find her attractive weird you out.
So everyone is clear, no one pissed me off in this thread. I did wince a bit reading the conversation though...