I love seeing stuff like this. I’m almost 50 now and it’s depressing sometimes. But seeing you guys still looking amazing and hitting it hard in your 50s/60s gives me hope! Just don’t like seeing all the dam surgeries and shit. Yay, getting old! Not!
To quote a guy on here but I forget who "getting old isn't for sissies!" LOL
But putting in the effort is soo worth it, I remember when we took a trip to Hawaii, we came out of the ocean from a swim and I said to my lady, "damn, everybody is staring at us"..........her response and she is fine as hell was "they are looking at YOU!" LMAO.
She says the dudes check you out more than the chicks hahaha that is fucked up to some degree but a great compliment on another level.
Keep it up guys and BUST your asses on every workout, after my 1 hour warmup I can still crank it out!