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Alcohol and gains.



VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
I'd like to get back to no alcohol during the week that's when I was in my best shape, not that I consume alot but even 2 - 3 5 oz g a night of wine IMO makes it harder to stay lean and hard, and reduces even the effects of TRT. I like expensive bourbon, wine and stout, given I'm almost retired that means I don't drink that much, can't afford it. If my joints weren't so fucked up and had more to gain in the gym I think I would be more disciplined. I too respect those that quit drinking, its not easy even if you're not a heavy drinker.


Bangs Raiden's mom VIP
Jan 3, 2011
If ya booze, ya lose.


Jun 12, 2023
I don't drink because addiction runs strong in my family.
Being devil's advocate for a moment I don't think we can label it good or bad. I think if incorporated scientifically alcohol can be used like any other supplement. Some alcohol's contain resveratrol, ellagic acid, and xanthohumol all compounds with plenty of studies associated with them. We could supplement the compounds I suppose instead of drinking. Here's a website that lists quite a few benefits and links to the studies claiming those benefits.

This next part is just casual observation from my experience. scientifically it could be a load of crap. When I lived in the EU the social/casual norms for drinking was anytime you damn well felt like it, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and in-between, a lot of the gym guys were huge I could never really comprehend with the amount of drinking, that they maintaind their look. I can't necessarily say it's age because there were some old timers there. I'll never know what their internals look like. I understand correlation does not imply causation.


TID Official Lab Rat
Jul 22, 2011
4 years, 1month, 2 days clean and sober. Life is just better since I quit. Not saying you can't have alcohol and bodybuild but it doesn't help
Bobby Cole

Bobby Cole

Jul 31, 2023
I guess the question of what Good does alcohol serve for a person who is devoted to building muscle is in order. Answer….none. It has no value with the possible exception of how much money we spend on it.

On the other hand, it does slow down recovery.
It does dehydrate the body.
It does interrupt protein synthesis.
it does raise cortisol levels above what is needed.
It screws with the amount of oxygen the brain needs to function properly.
And chances are, if you’re trying to go into a deep sleep, which is a major time the pituitary secretes HGH, that ain’t gonna happen.
*there are a few other negatives but I’m not trying to write a college thesis*

Again, we’re all wired differently and like anything else we do, alcohol treats us all a bit differently but personally, when I set a goal I do not want anything, however questionable it might be, standing in the way of meeting that goal.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
I guess the question of what Good does alcohol serve for a person who is devoted to building muscle is in order. Answer….none. It has no value with the possible exception of how much money we spend on it.

On the other hand, it does slow down recovery.
It does dehydrate the body.
It does interrupt protein synthesis.
it does raise cortisol levels above what is needed.
It screws with the amount of oxygen the brain needs to function properly.
And chances are, if you’re trying to go into a deep sleep, which is a major time the pituitary secretes HGH, that ain’t gonna happen.
*there are a few other negatives but I’m not trying to write a college thesis*

Again, we’re all wired differently and like anything else we do, alcohol treats us all a bit differently but personally, when I set a goal I do not want anything, however questionable it might be, standing in the way of meeting that goal.
It makes and women's heels round and panties fall off.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
As all I can say, 2 shots of crown the night before the show dried me out like a motherfucker and help me win everything, so it does have its benefits.
Anita Blumpkin

Anita Blumpkin

TID Lady Member
Jul 19, 2023
I'm looking to gather info on people's experience having a couple drinks every now and then and making gains in the gym and burning fat as well. Obvious one isn't supposed to mix certain supplements and alcohol. What are your thoughts iron den?
Common sense would be my recommendation here. Getting shit faced once a week in my opinion is not beneficial at all to overall health despite many people would say that's moderate. To me moderate consumption is 2 or 4 drinks once every 3-6months or less as an example. I typically have a max of 2 drinks per sitting once every six months or less. I have went over a year without any alcohol.
I do smoke a joint roughly 4 or 5 nights a week though.
Bobby Cole

Bobby Cole

Jul 31, 2023
The Arnold once said that drinking brandy helped with his gains after a workout but a few years later, he recanted that assessment and swung in the opposite direction.

I guess the bottom line is what each individual believes sans any science on the subject which one has to admit has a bit of irony attached to it.
There are no better practicing biochemists than those who are addicted to self improvement via weightlifting and bodybuilding.
We know what does what and how it works because the science says that’s the way it works so we follow the directions and spend tons of money on supplements and torture ourselves in the gym to have the most perfect body we can have.
Yet…..when it comes to doing something we enjoy that is somewhat or totally against what the chemistry or mechanics indicate, well, we throw a rationalization into the mix and do what we wish.

Human beings…..we’re a weird lot are we not?


VIP Member
Jan 29, 2023
I remember reading stories of the old timers having a beer and an aspirin as a pre workout.

I haven't done the aspirin thing, but have had a beer or two pre workout. It's definitely a vasodilator, gives pretty good pumps.


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
If I was rocking even a fraction the potential most everyone here, I'd take it a lot more seriously. But at 50, my training age is only like 4-5 years, and I have to suffer for even the smallest gains. Having a few drinks every Saturday night helps stave off dietary (and emotional/mental) boredom. It's also the one night a week I sleep so very, very well.
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