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AAS with GHRP's & GHRH's



New Member
May 31, 2011
If I was to follow the the protocol given by AWARE72 on GHRP's & GHRH's and add an AAS cycle to the mix what would the recomendation be on the AAS to run?

I am new to GHRP's & GHRH's but am very eager experiment. Hopefully I will be able to only use these in the future with minimal AAS.

Any advice would help.


VIP Member
Dec 9, 2010
its been said to run aas with gh to get outstanding results
so peps (ghrp etc) are used to make the body create more gh
run them with ur aas

cjc/ghrp-6 with a good cutter cycle will do wonders or even a bulker

just run them like u would gh

now if ur asking how and what to run then pm me or post up what cycle ur gonna run at we at the Den can help u out


i dont see them taking place of aas
test will be king for a long time


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
Guys, look i am just curious, where does this talk of replacing aas come from. There are three basic facets tot the chemical warfare game we need to manipulate: Hypertrophy, hyperplasia, and nutrient partitioning. We have three categories of compounds with each category addressing one facet. We have hormones inducing hypertrophy, we have gh/igf/peptides handling the hyperplasia(and some great fat loss as an added benefit), and we have insulin/gda's/metformin handling the nutrient partitioning. This is easier than we make it out to be.

Peptides will help or will fill the growth hormone category right? They raise igf consistently when administered frequently enough.

I am not sure about aware's protocol but i am pretty sure it is actually DatBTrue's protocol, but what do i know. What i run is a cjc/ghrp 4x a day at 100/100mcg. Easy peazie! If i add in seom DES, add it in pre-workout. The myo inhibitors do complicate things but not overly.
So yes, aas would make the results GREAT!


Friends Remembered
Sep 8, 2010
Guys, look i am just curious, where does this talk of replacing aas come from. There are three basic facets tot the chemical warfare game we need to manipulate: Hypertrophy, hyperplasia, and nutrient partitioning. We have three categories of compounds with each category addressing one facet. We have hormones inducing hypertrophy, we have gh/igf/peptides handling the hyperplasia(and some great fat loss as an added benefit), and we have insulin/gda's/metformin handling the nutrient partitioning. This is easier than we make it out to be.

Peptides will help or will fill the growth hormone category right? They raise igf consistently when administered frequently enough.

I am not sure about aware's protocol but i am pretty sure it is actually DatBTrue's protocol, but what do i know. What i run is a cjc/ghrp 4x a day at 100/100mcg. Easy peazie! If i add in seom DES, add it in pre-workout. The myo inhibitors do complicate things but not overly.
So yes, aas would make the results GREAT!

Great point, these 'protocols' that get posted up by somewhat knowledgable people seem to end up being gospel, as with any chemical enhancement and supplementation there are guidelines but no rules, ultimately a touch of personal experimentation will go along way.
I have found many of these protocols to be downright impractical for those who work a job...and others completely useless, but a long the way I found they do point out some very interesting facts that you can factor in to a somewhat eclectic protocol that enhances the usefulness and allows you to integrate them in with your goals, training and life.
My best suggestion is to learn as much as you can from as many so called experts and others whom have used them in conjunction to figure out a plan and protocol that works best for you.
Nothing is set in stone and anyone who says they know it all and have the 'best' way to do it is full of shit.


VIP Member
May 27, 2011
Couple thoughts/questions...

1) To the OP... sorry, I'm a bit new here... can I ask, do you have experience with AAS currently? For how long? I only ask as if you (or anyone else) are new to them I think it would be better to start one product at a time for awhile to see how ur body responds... if you are an AAS "vet" then sorry, no offense intended

2) To Osiris: thank you... there so MANY factors/variables affecting muscle growth and fat loss that, ideally at least, we need to hit them from many angles/products, good call (especially for a 6'1 average-genetic-joe like me that holds fat so easily :()

Ooooh... actually, you just gave me an idea to post up this weekend... a theoretical stack for optimal fat loss... I hope I remember to post it :D


VIP Member
May 27, 2011
Great point, these 'protocols' that get posted up by somewhat knowledgable people seem to end up being gospel, as with any chemical enhancement and supplementation there are guidelines but no rules, ultimately a touch of personal experimentation will go along way.
I have found many of these protocols to be downright impractical for those who work a job...and others completely useless, but a long the way I found they do point out some very interesting facts that you can factor in to a somewhat eclectic protocol that enhances the usefulness and allows you to integrate them in with your goals, training and life.
My best suggestion is to learn as much as you can from as many so called experts and others whom have used them in conjunction to figure out a plan and protocol that works best for you.
Nothing is set in stone and anyone who says they know it all and have the 'best' way to do it is full of shit.

AGREE... I think that there are many "logically more sensible" protocols, but no "one way only" styles.


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
My problem with experts is, they read these studies and then develop these nonsensical approaches. I mean if the timing is off by 3 min they start saying, it wont work etc. WTF. I have to take my follistatin only on the third tuesday of the month under sa new moon? WTF is that.

I have studied the same exact materials as a lot of these guys but i keep it real guys. I talk no nonsense shit i have done. If i say this worked, well its because it worked for me. I wont fgive you some hybrid dosing scheme based off the human genome research. i will tell you, hey i did this and leaned up, HERE ARE PICS to show you the changes.

You aj and myo, i always want tos ee pics of so-called experts, like SHOW US what your fancy protocols and vast knowledge have done for you.

ABTW myo, havent seen a pic in a while but you were making great progress buddy!


New Member
May 31, 2011
Hey Bro's thanks for the feedback without flammin a newbie on this board. I respect what you got to say so keep it comming. I agree personal experience is key. Protocol if it becomes unanimous is only a starting point for me.

6ft, 230, 15% bf. Been using juice since '98. I have never used HGH or Peptides.

Wolf Semper FI
Myosin you better not forget that stack!
Osiris you look like a freak^^


VIP Member
May 27, 2011
My problem with experts is, they read these studies and then develop these nonsensical approaches. I mean if the timing is off by 3 min they start saying, it wont work etc. WTF. I have to take my follistatin only on the third tuesday of the month under sa new moon? WTF is that.

I have studied the same exact materials as a lot of these guys but i keep it real guys. I talk no nonsense shit i have done. If i say this worked, well its because it worked for me. I wont fgive you some hybrid dosing scheme based off the human genome research. i will tell you, hey i did this and leaned up, HERE ARE PICS to show you the changes.

You aj and myo, i always want tos ee pics of so-called experts, like SHOW US what your fancy protocols and vast knowledge have done for you.

ABTW myo, havent seen a pic in a while but you were making great progress buddy!

This was in the Philippines about 2 months ago... I leaned up a bit before going by hitting the DNP at low dose ED vs EOD for about a week prior, did mostly LBA's and coconut oil only for about a week and got on mast for a few weeks. Had a nice set of a "4-pack"... still some umbilical fat.. I know now I'll always have that unless I get contest ready.

Now... I admit, I''ve "softened up" a bit... a bit ashamed to be honest... training and diet and have been up and down- on/off since getting back... selling our home, trying to find a new one and trying to start a supplement business... I know, I know, excuses, excuses... excuses in adults are like bellybuttons- everybody has one but they aren't of any use.

O- I am very motivated though to get back "full on" and hit it hard this summer... will keep you up to date, thanks for the reminder/encouragement
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VIP Member
May 27, 2011
Let's try this instead... CRAP- at work right now... they lock so many program options it's annoying.. will try to post a better one tonight.


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Oct 17, 2010
If I was to follow the the protocol given by AWARE72 on GHRP's & GHRH's and add an AAS cycle to the mix what would the recomendation be on the AAS to run?

I am new to GHRP's & GHRH's but am very eager experiment. Hopefully I will be able to only use these in the future with minimal AAS.

Any advice would help.

I not sure what protocol you are referring too. I know I've share protocols that I have used and worked well. If you really want to learn about peptide and such I would suggest visiting There area many different protocol and in the end all about find a starting point and find what works for you.


Oct 17, 2010
My problem with experts is, they read these studies and then develop these nonsensical approaches. I mean if the timing is off by 3 min they start saying, it wont work etc. WTF. I have to take my follistatin only on the third tuesday of the month under sa new moon? WTF is that.

I have studied the same exact materials as a lot of these guys but i keep it real guys. I talk no nonsense shit i have done. If i say this worked, well its because it worked for me. I wont fgive you some hybrid dosing scheme based off the human genome research. i will tell you, hey i did this and leaned up, HERE ARE PICS to show you the changes.

You aj and myo, i always want tos ee pics of so-called experts, like SHOW US what your fancy protocols and vast knowledge have done for you.

ABTW myo, havent seen a pic in a while but you were making great progress buddy!

I'm not sure if this is a general statement about the OP post. I claim to be no expert, but have found what works for me by self experimentation and such and learning from reading and research I've done on Dat's board. I have also put up pictures right here on TID. So not sure who this direct at? I claim to be no expert on anything and have nothing to hide like I know some do. Anyhow I just one to share gain knowledge and for what ever reason some people come to me for advice when it come to using certain types of peptides, which in the end make me feel very humble. I jump on board with being a rep for a peptide company cause I guess they felt I knew enough about certain things to teach what I knew. In the end I got an offer to not have to rep anywhere and just openly help and share my knowledge. Some of those here know where I'm taking about. I got enough drama in my life and sure don't need anymore. So I just mention above where to go above if you want to learn about peptides and such.

Anyway...In the end time will tell who knows what and who the real experts are. We are all adults and should be able to read and research what we do with our own bodies. It is a journey of gaining self knowledge, and in the end that empowers...
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