So, I have been eating pretty much what I wanted to since October 5th. (Not as much as I'd like but any kind of foods other than meats) My diet has mostly been carbs, very little protein. The kicker is that I have stayed in a caloric deficit the whole time. (Never really going much over 3,500 calories my baseline being around 4,200)
I started at 200lbs even and I'm now 215.4 After 3 weeks of eating less overall calories but switching from all meat to 90% or so carbs. So now the fun part. Starting today I'll be jacking my calories to over 5,000 per day if possible...all meat and eggs. Lets see what happens.
Breakfast was 10 eggs with cheese (1/4 cup shred) and a half pound of pulled pork. Lunch was a 16oz ribeye. I'm at 3,714 calories so far today not counting the butter I cooked the eggs and steak in. Supper will be one pound of hamburger with 3-4 fried eggs. That should put me right at 5,000 for the day. Anyone else is more than welcome to check my math and make corrections.