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54 and first TRT visit


Dirk Diggler

VIP Member
May 22, 2013
I've been cycling for the past 10 years. I also have been using 100mg test E/week so kind of have been on TRT. I had a physical and I found my estrogen was way high (back in Feb of last year). 3 years ago, I dropped from 225lbs to 200 from my first shoulder injury. I did the PRP which worked well for me and during that time, I had a partial knee replacement due to 25yrs of Judo :( Well, this January, I ended up tearing up my other shoulder....Bad, which required surgery in July. After the surgery, I dropped from 200 to 190lbs. 6 weeks of not being able to do anything as so the surgery will take. I must say, I hate this shoulder surgery process!

So, my last shot of T was May 28th. I did the post cycle meds, HCG protocol, Novladex and clomid. I've been completely off for 2 1/2 months and had my labs taken yesterday wondering what my results will be. I'm sure my nuts are hardly working as they are the size of craisins.

I do have a few questions regarding TRT.

First, Since I completely tore 3 of the 4 tendons in my shoulder rotator cuff, I have been considering using SARMS/peptides for my rehab. I have found some of the SARMS/peptides that promote tendon healing which is what I'm looking for here. If I add SARMS to my TRT, possible TRT, will they be able to see it on blood work? Hey, I just want to heal.
Which SARMS/peptides combo will work the best for tendon healing? best source for them? I've been reading a lot and plan to pursue this but need some direction as I have never used SARMS before.
also, I have one kit of HGH and was wondering if I use that if the TRT blood work will show 2-4 i.u. per day? That was the dose I used for my last shoulder injury that included the PRP treatment, which worked well.

Thank you for the help!

BTW, rotator cuff surgery sucks! I hope to never do this again!!

Dirk Diggler

VIP Member
May 22, 2013
Well, My blood work came back. Initial screening for test..... my test level was Three! 3! Wow, I did proper PCT for 3 months, but then after 10 years of test @ 200mg every 10 days (100mg every 5 days), I guess I should expect that. I didn't disclose my past use of AAS, don't think I will due to my job and/or "preexisting conditions"

Doc has me scheduled for more blood work.


VIP Member
Mar 21, 2017
Uhm yeah 3.00 seems low even for an old man (like us),but hopefully the doc will just prescribe some test e or c and insurance will pick up your cruising cycle costs from here on out.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Feb 15, 2013
3?! Yikes. Mine was 6 at it lowest point and i'm a woman LOL. So hence, i'm on TRT as well.

Yea shoulder surgery is the pits....and RC repairs? UGH. I feel ya bro. I am almost 1 year post surgery for my dominant arm (right) getting a full thickness tear fixed.
Hope your healing is speedy!

Dirk Diggler

VIP Member
May 22, 2013
Thanks for the input everyone!

I had been using aprox 100mg test E or C every 5 days for the past 10 years. Over the last 3 years, I've not felt as good as usual. I had a work physical 7 months ago and my test was high, 27. My Estridol was like 600-800 (I don't remember the exact number). The doc told me it was super high! That visit was just before I tore my RC in my R shoulder. With surgery coming, I got off and did proper PCT. I've been off for almost 3 months and feel ok. Granted, I've not been able to work out since I've had my surgery in June. I had been in a sling for the past 7 weeks and I just started PT.

A doc from the clinic called me today, not "my hrt doc" but one that works in his clinic. He went over the results with me and only told me about my T level of 3. He was kind of a dick and almost...almost accused me of opiod abuse. I told him That I had surgery in June, took all of my pain meds and the last time I took any pain meds was 5 weeks ago..btw, I hate that stuff due to the GI constipation! I would have rather him come out and accuse me of AAS and be direct with his concerns rather than poke around in the way he questioned me regarding opiates. Now, I wonder if he tested me for opioids as to the way he questioned me, or if it was due to the low T number? Hell, If they did not test me, Please go ahead! Please! Hell, I stopped drinking beer just out of concern for my health and it was a bad habit.

So now what? they are going to Re-test for my test and estrogen levels & do a more detailed blood test which will include who knows what?

I really don't want to disclose with my doc my pervious AAS activities as how insurance now days will classify my low t as a pre- existing condition or AAS abuse...I want neither on my record. I would like to disclose past info with my doc regarding AAS, however, I don't trust the system.

Also, what about SARMS and BPC-157? I'm considering using these for tendon repair, but I don't want my blood test to show anything suspicious.

Ideas and/or thoughts....Anyone???
The other Snake

The other Snake

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2016
I have heard of a mans E2 down to 3 and TT at 600 but not the other way around. Any chance you could post your BW with the personals whited out? I'd like to see it.

As for SARMS and or any drugs to increase tendon healing and recovery, I had this discussion with an Orthopedic Doctor. According to him, time is the best healer. He said a he would be concerned that even if you could speed up the healing process, the final product may not be as good as if you just stayed immobile and let the body do the healing. The last thing you want is scar tissue in place of a good quality tendon.


VIP Member
Mar 21, 2017
I'm not sure peptides are checked for in employment drug tests unless you're a pro athlete?


Oct 23, 2010
Your doctor seems to be over-complicating this process and treating it more like an inquisition (and an open ended chance to fund his kid's college education as he investigates) than a simple inquiry as to whether or not your test levels are low and a prescription is warranted. In the meantime he is billing the fuck out of your insurance. Sad really. Welcome to health care in the United States.

Dirk Diggler

VIP Member
May 22, 2013
I'm going to have my blood checked regularly and I prefer not to disclose to the doc that I'm going to use HGH, that's all. I am also going to try bcp 157 and tb 500. HGH is questionable as I don't want to have my blood labs look suspicious. I plan to use 2iu per day 5x a week.


Oct 3, 2016
When I was doing TRT one of the "nurses", not the actual doc, told me that HgH was the best to use for healing...I tend to agree with the ortho comment tho in regards to allowing your body to do the healling for lasting, better results...However, I feel too, that if one is up in age, the "natural" healing processesses probably need a little boost, hence, HgH supp....

This is entirely my OWN unprofessional opinion!!!!!....Get into anti-aging as in my opinion, once again, won't hurt....I believe from years of research that it will take more than one component to really nail the optimal healing formula when trying to recover an injury....Especially if u are up in age (40+)....

Dirk Diggler

VIP Member
May 22, 2013
Went to the TRT doc today and he was totally cool! We went over my blood work and my test was still very low, 143.turns out my pituitary is also very low. We also had a moment of disclosure and the conversation was agreed to be off the record. Told him of my previous self TRT &^ I was seeking treatment because I wanted to do it right. Granted, I requested to not use the Test now and go with HCG and clomid to get things working correctly for the first go with treatment. I may put off the HGH now as I want my pituitary to start working again. I do plan on using the BCP-157 and TB-500. Considering MK677 as it stimulates pituitary to produce HGH instead of just HGH.
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