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42 y.o. 165lb 5'8.5 Father



New Member
Sep 19, 2024
Hey guys, so glad to find this place, I've always wondered about taking steroids and this place looks like a great resource. I was always a small child, I didn't know anything about nutrition and training when I was young. When I was a freshman in HS I was only 4'11". I finally finished growing as a late bloomer at 5'8.5 inches. I was obsessed with sports but wasn't able to reach my potential due to my height. My wife is 5'5". We have 3 sons, and the oldest is 14 years old. We have been giving him sports training, and high-quality natural food and supplements for years, including protein drinks etc. for the last 1.5 years. From his birth until now he has measured at 95% percentile for his height.

He is currently 5'10.5 inches but hasn't grown at all in the last year. We went to get some x-rays this week, and the first 2 segments on his finger, the growth plates are closed, but his wrist is slightly open, and they are open everywhere else, his shoulders, femur, ankle etc. The doctor said his bone age is 16.5-17 years old. We were trying to get a referral to an endocrinologist to get some Anastrozole prescribed to keep his growth plates open, I heard about it because two kids his age are on it, and it increased their predicted adult height. So anyway, we couldn't get the referral, and the endocrinologist probably wouldn't give it to him anyway since he is taller than me already.

I ordered some Resveratrol, but this isn't as strong as Anastrozole. So, I was looking to obtain some here, and while I'm at it, since I read it was more beneficial, to add HGH with it. Since we won't be able to use a doctor to help with dosing, I wanted to know if anyone here could help. I've read that Anastrozole should be 1MG per day, but I don't know how long to be on it, maybe 6 months? And I have no idea how much HGH to add for this purpose.

The goal is to get to at least 6ft, but 6'2"+ would be out of sight! This is important for obtaining a college scholarship in his sport and career etc.

Any help on the dose and best source and any experience in this matter would be appreciated!



Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
I would send him back for a refund and try another vendor.


New Member
Sep 19, 2024
I would send him back for a refund and try another vendor.
I'm too heavily invested in this one. plus this is kind of the last opportunity here for him before his plates close.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
Wow! I don't even know what to think about your post. In my opinion let your son grow how he's going to grow naturally. Why the obsession to make him 6 foot 2? Is that going to make him a better person or are you teaching him that drugs make you better? Yes I know I know there are lots of people on this forum that use anabolics but we're not 16 years old.
In my opinion trying to force your child to grow when they're at that age and they're already 5'10+ you are messing with fire.

In my opinion this is just as bad as those parents that make their kids play football because they sucked at it and they're trying to live their Glory Days through their children. Let your kid be a kid. Yes, good nutrition yes, good exercise regimen yes, make sure he's getting all his vitamins and minerals that he needs to grow as he would naturally but forcing him to grow using GH and adding resveratrol to try and keep growth plates open seems like a shitty parenting idea.


TID Board Of Directors
May 3, 2011
Wow! I don't even know what to think about your post. In my opinion let your son grow how he's going to grow naturally. Why the obsession to make him 6 foot 2? Is that going to make him a better person or are you teaching him that drugs make you better? Yes I know I know there are lots of people on this forum that use anabolics but we're not 16 years old.
In my opinion trying to force your child to grow when they're at that age and they're already 5'10+ you are messing with fire.

In my opinion this is just as bad as those parents that make their kids play football because they sucked at it and they're trying to live their Glory Days through their children. Let your kid be a kid. Yes, good nutrition yes, good exercise regimen yes, make sure he's getting all his vitamins and minerals that he needs to grow as he would naturally but forcing him to grow using GH and adding resveratrol to try and keep growth plates open seems like a shitty parenting idea.
This x 1000
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
The first thing I will address, this is not a source board, so don't ask for prescription medications or illegal substances.

Second, using aromatase inhibitors for the possibility to increase skeleton growth is a terrible idea. Do you have any idea what these things do to your body? We use them in bodybuilding as a last resort if we cannot control estrogen by other means. They are cardiovascular toxic. You are talking about a sports scholarship. However, it will be hard to train as an athlete when your cardiovascular system is shot. Now you are going to smash his estrogen levels. Estrogen is brain, hearth, liver, gut and kidney protective. He may run into other issues, because his estrogen is low. His mind will definitely be different. Likely you would need to place him on an SSRI, as he doesn't have the mental capacity to deal with the dark side of having low estrogen.


VIP Member
Apr 12, 2023
Experimenting with teenage hormones is a very bad idea for most any reason.

Experimenting with your teenage son's hormone levels in an attempt to attain a specific minimum height based on unsound research and misguided goals is .........

I can't even pick one adjective to describe this mindset. It is just wrong and I hope you can see the light and work to help your son grow into a happy and healthy person physically, mentally, and emotionally.


VIP Member
Aug 14, 2012
Hey guys, so glad to find this place, I've always wondered about taking steroids and this place looks like a great resource. I was always a small child, I didn't know anything about nutrition and training when I was young. When I was a freshman in HS I was only 4'11". I finally finished growing as a late bloomer at 5'8.5 inches. I was obsessed with sports but wasn't able to reach my potential due to my height. My wife is 5'5". We have 3 sons, and the oldest is 14 years old. We have been giving him sports training, and high-quality natural food and supplements for years, including protein drinks etc. for the last 1.5 years. From his birth until now he has measured at 95% percentile for his height.

He is currently 5'10.5 inches but hasn't grown at all in the last year. We went to get some x-rays this week, and the first 2 segments on his finger, the growth plates are closed, but his wrist is slightly open, and they are open everywhere else, his shoulders, femur, ankle etc. The doctor said his bone age is 16.5-17 years old. We were trying to get a referral to an endocrinologist to get some Anastrozole prescribed to keep his growth plates open, I heard about it because two kids his age are on it, and it increased their predicted adult height. So anyway, we couldn't get the referral, and the endocrinologist probably wouldn't give it to him anyway since he is taller than me already.

I ordered some Resveratrol, but this isn't as strong as Anastrozole. So, I was looking to obtain some here, and while I'm at it, since I read it was more beneficial, to add HGH with it. Since we won't be able to use a doctor to help with dosing, I wanted to know if anyone here could help. I've read that Anastrozole should be 1MG per day, but I don't know how long to be on it, maybe 6 months? And I have no idea how much HGH to add for this purpose.

The goal is to get to at least 6ft, but 6'2"+ would be out of sight! This is important for obtaining a college scholarship in his sport and career etc.

Any help on the dose and best source and any experience in this matter would be appreciated!

I had to be the bearer of bad news.......there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that resveratrol keeps growth plates (epiphyseal plates) open in children or extends their growth period. As children age, these plates gradually close and become bone, typically during late puberty.

While estrogen initially encourages growth, it also begins the process of growth plate maturation. Use of anastrozole in teens can lowers estrogen levels, which is important for bone health. Estrogen helps maintain bone mineralization, and decreasing estrogen can lead to osteopenia or osteoporosis, increasing the risk of fractures. Because estrogen is crucial for normal puberty, blocking estrogen with anastrozole could result in delayed development of secondary sexual characteristics. Having E2 crash could also cause cholesterol issues in your kid. You are taking a huge chance of fucking up your kid.

Human growth hormone plays a crucial role in stimulating growth. If a teen's growth plates (epiphyseal plates) are still open, HGH will work within the natural limits of their genetic potential for height. If a teenager has normal GH levels and no underlying medical conditions that affect growth, their height will generally be in line with their genetic potential, regardless of additional HGH therapy.

Sorry to let you know this but when two short people have kids, genetics say your kid is going to be just like you when it comes to height. I highly doubt you will be able to find any legitimate doctor who would take a chance with his license to practice medication write a prescription for HGH. Here is the only reason they can be written.
  1. HGH deficiency in children might result in dwarfism
  2. Adult HGH deficiency due to tumors in the brain and their treatment like radiation therapy
  3. Muscle wasting illness related to HIV/AIDS
Blood testing is always done to determine if you are HGH deficient and you son is definitely not in any of these categories. Let you son grow up like nature intended for him to grow up. Sports is not for every one and I was a coach for 22 years.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Not to mention, the amount of growth hormone needed at puberty to even make a difference would be off the charts. If the kid weighs 75 kg and I did my math correctly, he is producing around 11.5 mg of growth hormone a day. That is 34.5 iu! I find even 4-5 iu a day to be expensive and that wouldn't even be a blip on the radar for him.


VIP Member
Aug 14, 2012
Not to mention, the amount of growth hormone needed at puberty to even make a difference would be off the charts. If the kid weighs 75 kg and I did my math correctly, he is producing around 11.5 mg of growth hormone a day. That is 34.5 iu! I find even 4-5 iu a day to be expensive and that wouldn't even be a blip on the radar for him.
Exactly, insurance sure won't cover any part of this so it will all be out of pocket. GoodRx........Omnitrope, 10ml vial....$5,176 sold at Walmart Pharmacy. This is one of the less expensive HGH.
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