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3 yrs on TRT, enlarged prostate questions.



VIP Member
Oct 10, 2010
Well it’s somehow a bit of a relief to hear all of you share your experiences. Here I am now about to turn 58 soon, and been on test since I was 17! Along with 30+ years of a lot of other gear. FINALLY over the past few years I mostly stick to just test alone in the range of 150-170mg every 5 days. I still do a bit of an oral (dbol at 20mg eod) or masteron (couple hundred mg) on occasion, infrequent.
I avg getting up 3x a night (occasionally 4) to pee. Stream is on the weakened side rather than strong most of the time, but sometimes stronger than others.
I’ve noticed if I have anywhere from 10-30mg of a THC edible 30-45min before bed which I do a couple times a week, I can sleep through the night with just 1-2 whizzes. Some of you may want to try that as an experiment. I don’t know if smoking herb may give the same effect, because I haven’t smoked in years.
I don’t take anything for prostate other than 5mg daily cialis. Fortunately my dick still works great otherwise.
I include a PSA test at least once a year with all my other routine labs and all has been good with that, including a cologuard kit (for colon check) every 3 years, all good as well.
Enough for now; it’s time to piss and go to sleep.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
So as a personal update I've noticed that if I lay off drinking then pissing is only a minor difference from years ago. My bladder feels empty when I do go but I am urinating much more frequently throughout the day. Also if I go to bed around 12pm then I will get up around 5-6 to piss and usually up to twice more shortly after I wake with good streams.

Does using SARMS like Anastrozole help with preventing androgenic side effects like prostate growth? I cant remember if that's the case.

It definitely feels like my bladder is smaller. Also I have had some problems with the tendons in my arms so lifting and exercise has been less than I'd like in the past months. I'm not sure if that could contribute to prostate inflammation.

What DaSarge said has me thinking.....have I covered all the bases? When I described my symptoms to the doc he said he wasnt gonna do the whole ass fingering which was fine by me. He also said my bloodwork came back as not having any genetic predisposition to cancer. So it all sounded good to me.
Anastrozole is not a SARM it is an aromatase inhibitor (AI) and typically does not have any impact on the androgen receptor or prostate. That being said, if your estrogen levels our out of control, it could be of benefit. However, I would caution you, estrogen is usually anti-inflammatory, so if you bring it down too far that joint and tendon pain is only going to be magnified.

Get Cialis. 5-20 mg a day should help. Good for bringing down BP, good for pumps in the gym and good for helping the prostate. Lay off the drinking. I am not anti-alcohol, have a drink every once in a while, but chronic drinking brings on a lot of problems. Chronic means a couple times a week.
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