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2nd cycle help appreciated



Jan 25, 2011
I'm kinda kicking around the idea of adding deca to the mix. Maybe 500 test, 250 deca, 250 equi? I like the idea of strong joints from the deca, and by mixing it up maybe get the best of both? Test/deca seems like the natural mass cycle, pretty common combo. I just want the maximum mass with minimum sides. I really wanted to use primo but it's too expensive at this point. I thought I'd be happy with the mass gained from my current cycle but I can already tell I'm gonna want more. Next cycle will be after summer when I very lean. This time I started too fat, caliper said 12% but I think more like 15. I will be 9-10 when I start my next cycle.

Can you frontload deca/equi like with test? Like use npp to get the deca up quick and then double up the equi first dose?

How's my 500/250/250 weekly dose sound? That sounds like an awful lot compared to my 580 sustanon a week I'm taking now.

I will be posting my results in my training log, so feel free to check it out and criticize or help out, I'd really appreciate it. I don't feel like I'm making the progress that I should be. It kinda feels like it's just now starting to really kick in so I got 6 weeks to really tear shit up.


Friends Remembered
Oct 11, 2010
Bumpin this for some love. Help me on the multiple draws. Is that how it works?

What mixing shots in the same pin? absolutely, works great. IMO just don't mix aques with oil shots though.

hope your using a different pin to stick with than you use for withdrawing.



Jan 25, 2011
Right now I'm using amps so drawing and pinning with the same. I've got a bunch of 25 gauge 1.5". I'm going to get some 18 gauge needles for drawing and then put the 25 gauge back on for injection. I need to order some 18 gauge for drawing up the prop when I use that for the last 3 weeks of this cycle. I need to find another injection site by then, I don't think I can keep hitting the ventro glute EOD. Maybe I should get some 1" needles and try some thigh injections. I didn't think spot injections worked but my glutes are definately the most noticibly improved bodypart.


Sep 29, 2010
18 guage pin will put big ol holes in the stopper, just sayin'. 23 gauge is pretty quick on the draw...

Food for thought is all...


TID Board Of Directors
Jan 18, 2011
Yes...22-23 ga to draw 25 to shoot..1" should be fine... I wouldn't go over 2 ml per site/pin personally although some select people can take more without discomfort.. if a pin is going through a stopper, do not use that same pin to inject with.
I like 1-16 500 mg test E 1-15 deca 300mg and then the EQ if you already had it...bread and butter


Jan 25, 2011
I like the 500 test/300 deca cycle. Would adding equi to the mix reduce water retention? And the 500mg test would prevent "deca dick" right? I will have arimidex, letro on hand in case of gyno, is there anything else I might want to have handy? I won't be using my a-dex or letro this cycle so I'll already have it. And I'll add hcg to the cycle, use hcg/nolva/clomid pct.


How should I go about frontloading? I can use prop along with the enanthate for the test, should I double up on the deca the first week to get that up? I guess I could just double up on them both the first week, that would make it pretty simple.
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Feb 19, 2011
No adding EQ won't reduce water retention, but it should improve gains slightly. It could create a BP problem though,adding the water retention from the nandrolone to the RBC pumping of the EQ, so keep an eye on it.

I wouldn't front load at all, just roll with it. If you must, just hit the prop EOD for 6 weeks and call it good. No need to overly complicated it. If you want an oral, I've had better experience with drol than dbol, and good with winny as well, but use what you like best. Back to the BP issue, winny would do better in reducing bloat with the deca, and dbol actually reduces RBC count, so a 50/50 mix of win and dbol topped with prop on your test/eq/deca stack might get you where you want to go.

So much for not overcomplicating it...
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