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2nd cycle help appreciated



Jan 25, 2011
It may be a bit early since I'm just finishing up the 5th week of my first cycle, but I feel like I didn't plan this one well enough so I want to be prepared, plus plenty of time to begin gathering up the supplies.

I've been using sustanon with an oral kickstart, and will be finishing with winstrol. No hcg this time, but plan to the next time. The main side effect I've had and definately wish to avoid next cycle is water retention and high blood pressure (147/89 last time I checked). I was originally thinking primo but priced a bit too high, so looking at equi instead.

I want a light test base, and I will have some sustanon amps left, so i figure 2 first week, then one per week after that. Here's my rough draft:

1-16 sustanon 250 p/week
1-16 equipoise 400 p/week
1-4 d-Bol 30 mg p/day
14-19 winstrol 50 mg p/day (if I like winstrol this time around)
5-17 hcg 250iu 2x p/week
18-19 hcg 500iu 2x p/week
Pct- clomid/nolva

I will be taking 4 months off after this one, so I won't be starting until September. I am definately hooked on getting bigger, it's fun watching my t-shirts get tighter and tighter.


Feb 9, 2011
just my .02 but if you're gonna run 16 wks run either test E or prop if you don't mind eod. my personal fav cycle to date was prop, tren and eq. only ran tren for 8 wks. not a fan of winny, it only works really well for the thin skin look when your down around 10% bf.


Jan 25, 2011
I was planning on using sustanon since I already will have 10 amps worth.


Jan 25, 2011
Day 1 500mg sustanon/400 eq
Then 250 sustanon/400 eq Every 5 days puts it to more like
350/560 p/week
That will up my numbers and keep me a little more steady
Plus I really like to pin and once a week will not keep me smiling enough
Get Some

Get Some

Sep 9, 2010
Day 1 500mg sustanon/400 eq
Then 250 sustanon/400 eq Every 5 days puts it to more like
350/560 p/week
That will up my numbers and keep me a little more steady
Plus I really like to pin and once a week will not keep me smiling enough

Funny how that happens isn't it :) You start out dreading having to pin and then once you don't have to pin while off cycle you miss it. I know I'm missing it a few months removed from the last cycle. I'm still another month away from a new one.

You're E5D sounds pretty good but personally I would do no less than twice a week pins. To take advantage of the short and mid esters in Sust you really need 2X per week pins. Although, I realize this will not be possible because you have amps. If you have the money I would highly consider getting some Test E or C in a vial and pin it twice a week. Also, I'd up the EQ dose to 500-600mg EW. The EQ will feel really good weeks 10-14 or so, that's when it works it magic for me.


Jan 25, 2011
I think I will get some cyp or enanthate and do it 2x a week. I can save the sustanon for later. I hate the idea of coming off, it feels like it's just starting to get fun, and 5 weeks have past. I'm also concidering doing prop for the first 2 weeks to get my levels up faster and skipping the oral kickstart all together. Like 100mg EOD for 2 weeks alongside the 2x a week enanthate/equi, so I don't have to wait 5 weeks for the fun to start.

Like this:
1-2 test prop 100mg EOD
1-16 test enanthate 125mg 2x p/week
1-16 equi 250mg 2x p/week

Doing .5 cc enathate, w/1 cc equi, could I poke it into the enan vial, draw up .5cc, then poke it into the equi vial and draw up the 1cc, then just have one 1.5cc pin each time? Is that kosher?
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TID OG Member
Sep 19, 2010
May I suggest one thing...I would run weeks 17-18 using test prop @ 100mg/e.o.d. so you don't have that ackward 7-10 days coming off your long esters. There is always that point when you have too much test to start your PCT yet not enough to make, much less maintain, signifigant gains. I always run 2 extra weeks using a short ester so my PCT transition is smoother....just a suggestion bro....
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Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
I would not run sust unless you're planning on pinning it EOD. The shortest ester in the mix should dictate the pinning freq. If you want to run test at 250mg/wk and pin it just once, I'd run either test e or test c, either one will work just fine.

Running EQ may also aggravate your BP. EQ doesn't do much for me, but others think it's great. I suppose everyone responds differently.


Jan 25, 2011
May I suggest one thing...I would run weeks 17-18 using test prop @ 100mg/e.o.d. so you don't have that ackward 7-10 days coming off your long esters. There is always that point when you have too much test to start your PCT yet not enough to make, much less maintain, signifigant gains. I always run 2 extra weeks using a short ester so my PCT transition is smoother....just a suggestion bro....

Yes I will do that, sounds like the smart way to go. Hmm, maybe I better get some prop for my current cycles last 2 weeks.


Jan 25, 2011
I would not run sust unless you're planning on pinning it EOD. The shortest ester in the mix should dictate the pinning freq. If you want to run test at 250mg/wk and pin it just once, I'd run either test e or test c, either one will work just fine.

Running EQ may also aggravate your BP. EQ doesn't do much for me, but others think it's great. I suppose everyone responds differently.

Are there any known alternatives that don't aggregate BP? I believe alot of my Bp problem now is due to the water retention, my legs get disturbingly swollen. My wrists and hands have too at times. Seems my face places 3rd in that department. Lower legs really bad. My Bp was 147/89! I really feel it when I bend over or do handstands, like my heads gonna explode and super red. I'm gonna use enanthate instead of sustanon so I can pin 2x a week.


Jan 25, 2011
I think I will get some cyp or enanthate and do it 2x a week. I can save the sustanon for later. I hate the idea of coming off, it feels like it's just starting to get fun, and 5 weeks have past. I'm also concidering doing prop for the first 2 weeks to get my levels up faster and skipping the oral kickstart all together. Like 100mg EOD for 2 weeks alongside the 2x a week enanthate/equi, so I don't have to wait 5 weeks for the fun to start.

Like this:
1-2 test prop 100mg EOD
1-16 test enanthate 125mg 2x p/week
1-16 equi 250mg 2x p/week
17-18 prop 100mg EOD

Doing .5 cc enathate, w/1 cc equi, could I poke it into the enan vial, draw up .5cc, then poke it into the equi vial and draw up the 1cc, then just have one 1.5cc pin each time? Is that kosher?

Bumpin this for some love. Help me on the multiple draws. Is that how it works?


TID OG Member
Sep 19, 2010
Yes I will do that, sounds like the smart way to go. Hmm, maybe I better get some prop for my current cycles last 2 weeks.

It makes a huge difference in your recovery!!! I'm glad you're going to use this method. Keep us posted on how all goes!
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