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  1. J

    new female

    Welcome to the team
  2. J

    New crossfiter. Read before the hate

    Welcome to the team I'm solely on an Olympic lift program but i often find myslef in a cross-fit box doing my lifts when i am traveling. so maybe ill see you around.
  3. J

    Hello from Texas

    Welcome I'm sure i can learn something from you as well.
  4. J

    Strained lower back from squats and deads

    Once again i refer to a lacrosse ball applying some trigger point therapy (deep tissue massage). a bunch of videos on YouTube but general you want to iron the fluids caused by swelling out.
  5. J

    What attracts you to a gym?

    Olympic lifting platform, Squat racks, abundance of other equipment and personal space. Also the attitude of the gym members and staff (**athlete or competitive mind set)
  6. J

    Cutting after a Long Bulk Cycle

    Just checking in because i would like to know also
  7. J

    Girl cooked from the inside out after taking too many diet pills

    Agreed, That's why its up to us to mentor and teach them that working out burns fat and not supplements
  8. J

    Squat form tips

    I'm having the same issue. Physical therapist suggested better (yoga type) stretches for quads on my recovery days. I'm still having pain but I am able to complete squats with mild pain. He also mention if it is the tendon it might take a while to heal so stretching and icing are the two best...
  9. J

    Anyone else get shoulder clicking?

    I spoke to a doc about this a week ago and he assured me it is completliy normal. The shoulder being suck a complex area has a lot of crap to get around especially if you're jack. I think he said it's one of the tendoin that pops or clicks out of the way when you go from a neutral position to an...
  10. J

    Using Ice vs. Heat to Treat Injuries

    I endorse and quote this, the only thing I would like to add is try to get a new injury iced within 72 hours..
  11. J

    Upper middle back pain

    Take a lacross ball to the target area, stay away from rolling over the spine. There are tons of videos on you tube that will walk you through finding and rolling trigger points. It works for me, let me know if it was helpful to you.
  12. J

    Jeff from VA

    What up, I'm a newly certified USAW sports coach just here for the robust knowledge and experience you guys share and offer. I will ask you for tips and trick of the trade so I can develop my athletes. My personal experience is 9 years doing what ever the military taugt me but this past...