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  1. kjetil1234

    Acid reflux remedy

    Yeah man :-) Lemon water works great too, and HCL pepsin capsules.
  2. kjetil1234

    Back Pain

    Tingling is likely piriformis syndrome or mild entrapment of the sciatic nerve somewhere along those lines. Could be by bicep femoris, gastrocnemius etc. Stretch these muscles and you'll easily see if it helps or not. Overworking of all these muscles are often connected to weak / inactive gluteals.
  3. kjetil1234

    MRI Scan of my cervical spine

    Forward head posture? Optimize breathing and then cervical lordosis. Thoracic spine needs to be straight as well.
  4. kjetil1234

    Serratus Posterior Superior - Quiet Shoulder Destroyer

    Very interesting post!! Elevation of the first rib will definitely cause TOS symptoms (because it is in fact TOS!), now the mystery of finding the dysfunction :-) Thanks for sharing
  5. kjetil1234

    tricep tendon

    Improper calcification may point to several things. Magnesium deficiency, vitamin K2 deficiency (these nutrients help with proper placement of calcium), and likely a chronic inflammation of the tricep area. Reason of inflammation may be excessive tightness, silly programming, etc
  6. kjetil1234

    Spinal Decompression

    L5/S1 is one of the most common spots of injury. Why? Because many people compensate for poor hip function by hinging at their low back. Learn to use your hip for movement, and assess core stability. Often the psoas major, lumbar multifidus, glutes and transversus abdominus are found inactive...
  7. kjetil1234

    SLAP Shoulder surgery recovery

    SLAP tears usually happen when the humerus (arm bone) travel superiorly in the socket. The bicep tendon is attached on the top of humerus w labrum and sub acromion impingement may break the labrum and the bicep tendon. WHY? Usually due to a combination of poor rotator cuff strength/activation...
  8. kjetil1234

    Anyone Deal With Permanent Hand Numbness?

    Which fingers are affected, and what movement exaggerates it? This is usually fixable, it's just hard to get a decent doc :-)
  9. kjetil1234

    Umbilical and Inguinal Hernias

    Poor activation/strength of the transversus abdominus is linked to hernias. This muscle acts as a barrier, and prevents the intestines to penetrate. Do what you need to do to get the hernia fixed, but after that, make sure that you get your breathing and core activation going.
  10. kjetil1234

    Foam Rolling isn't Myofascial Release!!!

    OP look up stecco and warren hammer's work on fascial manipulation, very interesting
  11. kjetil1234

    Elbow Tendonitis-Home Remedies-Ideas?

    Foam roll/massage/stretch forearms and triceps. Medial elbow is easier to deal with than tennis elbow (lateral)
  12. kjetil1234

    Nothing or something?

    Injecting it won't do nothing. These (if chronic) injuries almost always occur after prolonged stress in imbalanced muscular environment. A way of treatment that has yielded great results in my experience(tennis elbow), is triggerpoints massage of the pronator teres muscle, and strengthening...
  13. kjetil1234

    Lower tricep and down my elbow

    Would you describe the pain as radiating or shooting pain? Exactly where is it felt? Any swelling? Painful to touch/press the area? Any deformation?
  14. kjetil1234

    What should I do ?

    Hard to say without examining you buddy. Sorry :/
  15. kjetil1234

    What should I do ?

    From what I can see, looks PPT. In other words, your hamstrings are probably the culprit of your knee pain. Of course it's just an estimate from a couple of pics, but should give you a place to start. Stretch out hams, work gluteal strength and make sure you're not chronically tightening...
  16. kjetil1234

    Imbalance or tightness ...

    Absolutely! The hip hinge test is also very beneficial
  17. kjetil1234

    Imbalance or tightness ...

    Femoral rotation should be measured both with a straight leg and with 90 degrees of flexion if the hip. Suppose it could also be frontal plane instability, if your hip is collapsing on one side and not rotating to one side.
  18. kjetil1234

    Imbalance or tightness ...

    Ok. If the hips are swinging exaggeratedly it's usually a combination of * inadequate femoral rotation (mobility of your thighs, especially rotation) * poor core activation (transversus abdominus not properly stabilizing the pelvis, cause global rigidity in the lower extremities. Do a self...
  19. kjetil1234

    Imbalance or tightness ...

    Sorry, gist? Do you mean that your calfs are rotating laterally as you're in the swing phase of gait? Any pain? If so, where and when?
  20. kjetil1234

    What should I do ?

    Take one in shorts mate. Tbh it's hard to say without making physical assessments, but maybe your calf vs femur alignment will give more detailed information. Your head is forward and chest is down, which are both commonly seen in PPT clients, and the knee pain you're describing too. If...