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  1. R

    Need Some Training Inspiration?

    The beginning of the 11 minute video mentions Crossfit, but it's much more about overcoming adversity than it is about a specific sport.
  2. R

    There Is Still Hope
  3. R

    Two of the Toughest Men Some Never Heard Of

    Those who had heard about Team Hoyt from their many appearances in many places online ... here is the end of the story:
  4. R

    Cleve Dean

    Anyone remember when he was the king of arm wrestling, way back last century? He was about 6' 8" as I recall, and way over 400lbs. A pig farmer by trade, he either didn't lift weights or else did a little but attributed his strength to wrestling hogs around all day. He weighed in at an event...
  5. R


    Just a nice little easily managed local war ............ front page news on
  6. R

    Premature Deaths .......... What's The Difference?

    A lot of recent talk here on TID and out there on other sites about premature death among Bodybuilders. Talk would often go back to include premature deaths from 10-20 yrs ago as well. Discussions about cause of death followed, and those included aas and other PEDs, excessive Body Mass Index...
  7. R


    Mail will be slower and costlier.
  8. R

    Protonmail ... Is This As Bad As It Sounds?
  9. R

    Possible USPS Changes Coming

    Thought this might be of interest to anyone whose business relies on the USPS or to anyone who worries about receiving something later than expected. These possible changes are over and beyond what we've already seen from the unexpected increase from online xmas shopping and the overall effects...
  10. R

    The OTHER True Meaning of Christmas

    Six or seven days from now, most newspapers and tv stations will do a piece on Celebrities We Lost This Year.
  11. R

    BITCOIN, the IRS, and YOU

    You may be getting a letter soon . . . The (stated) purpose is to just scare people who may owe undisclosed taxes into coming clean and paying up; there is no mention of investigating illegal purchases . . . yet.
  12. R

    Sports Discussion???

    Mods, feel free to move this to a more appropriate Forum, if there is one ..........
  13. R


    Seems like it will have more more transparency than the current cryptos, might not be attractive to lawless desperados. Seems like the way it is structured will make it far less subject to fluctuation, and far less tempting for those who like to invest. But it's JP Morgan (Chase), one of the...
  14. R

    You Can't Make Up Shit Like This

    In honor of LK's 1st week on the job, I'm trying to improve the quality of my posts ......
  15. R


    So there's a line in an old song, "If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all," and I am reminded of this constantly in my life. Not this time . . . my PCP referred me to a Urologist a few days ago, got the call back to assign a specific doctor and an appt, my wife took the msg. It's a...
  16. R


    Somehow I missed his death on 07/07/2018. Although briefly touted as an American strength star in the 1960s back at the infancy of organized PL, his REAL place in history and contribution to strength sports was in his intelligent writing and scholarly approach to everything he did. Mainstream...
  17. R

    VERY Serious Political Thread . . .

    So I'm reading an article saying that Stormy Daniels will be "cooperating in full" with federal authorities in the wake of recent developments. And, I have questions: how will it go if they say "Spread 'Em" ? will they pat her down before entering a federal bldg? do they need a warrant to...
  18. R


    surfing around the Net aimlessly just now, saw this on USAToday, but I imagine it's in many places. Doesn't seem to be specifically aimed at our community, but it will be a pretty far reaching thing that may have some effect. A Senator Rob Portman I am not familiar with, yet, is pushing a...
  19. R

    "Best" Way To Donate Blood?

    Lapsing into layman-speak, aas use is assumed to "thicken" blood to some extent, possibly to the extent of making it dangerous for the aas user, clots, strokes, heart attacks, etc. Sometimes suggested as more of a threat from Boldenone use than other aas. Donating blood is often advised as a...