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  1. Murica

    Cosmokramer is Baaaaaaaaaaaaack!

    You finally moved out of your moms house.
  2. Murica


  3. Murica

    Tightening loose skin

    This guy buys the Costco tubs y'all
  4. Murica

    Tightening loose skin

    You started and finished puberty obese. The loose skin isn't going away with any home remedies.
  5. Murica

    Weighted side bends....yay or nay?

    Trouble for whom? Oh, nobody.
  6. Murica

    Weighted side bends....yay or nay?

    Like others posted, side bends are worthless. That being said, oblique strength significantly benefits trunk stability. I would recommend doing side planks or one-arm farmers walks. If you want a v-taper, get bigger lats and don't sacrifice important functional musculature.
  7. Murica

    Healthy eating alone for fat loss

    Glad to see we're on the same page.
  8. Murica

    Healthy eating alone for fat loss

    Eating healthy and fat loss are not synonymous terms.
  9. Murica

    MuscleMilk GAINER

    Better than steroids.
  10. Murica

    Pullovers – A Forgotten Exercise

    Good exercise. Anybody else do them on a decline bench?
  11. Murica

    World Record: Woman Devours 72oz Steak Under 3 Min!

    Is that the place in Amarillo? Would like to try that.
  12. Murica

    Clean and Jerk, do you do it?

    You're going to have to give me examples with those claims. As a musculoskeletal professional and former athlete I'm telling you there is no sport specific movement where a jerk is more beneficial than the press. The press requires significantly more pectoral and upper extremity extensor...
  13. Murica

    Alcohol and fat Metabolism

    I just want to clarify: Although alcohol does carry similar caloric density (7 kcal/g alc vs 9 kcal/g fat) and creates an acetate byproduct, the digestion and absorption of alcohol is not treated like a triglyceride.
  14. Murica

    Crossfit or Regular Gym ?

    I like the assumption that BBers have great diets and both BB/PLers have impeccable form
  15. Murica

    Which Exercise to Start Chest Workout?

    The correct answer is low intensity high rep shoulder external rotation to warm up your rotator cuffs ;)
  16. Murica

    Lactic Acid Training For Fat Loss

    That theory is a total gimmick.
  17. Murica

    Lactic Acid Training For Fat Loss

    I noticed the concentric/eccentric intervals as well. Not only strange but less tissue stimulation.
  18. Murica

    Xmas Traditions

    Same with the clam chowder on Xmas eve.
  19. Murica

    A neighbor implied I was racist

    Were any of them holding a bag of skittles?