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Never Ending Story Questions....

porky little keg

porky little keg

May 21, 2011
Hi all,
I'm a competitive powerlifter. As a drug free lifter I put up numbers in the top 30 for the year in my weight class. November 2010 I made the jump to go to the non-tested side of the sport. Everyone I have talked to about this has said that blast and cruise is what it takes to make it to the top of the sport.

So I've been cruising around 400mg a week. Cyp, Test E, Sust, and Omnadren. At 2 months out from a meet I step it up to 750/wk, then at 4-6 weeks out I go to a gram a week. Orals have been DBol and/or Drol used at low doses for two weeks pre-meet ( 10-30mg/day). Just started running HGH at 2iu a day for tendon health mostly.

So I understand that there are lots of health concerns with being on all the time. I get physicals twice a year. Blood pressure has always been borderline-high, and hasn't changed since going on. Cholesterol checks out good.

So I have two questions for you guys, any feedback is appreciated.

1) Other than BP and Cholesterol is there anything else I should be watching out for?

2) I have a big meet coming up in the early summer and have a few months afterwards to back off of the heavy training to let my body recover. Basically 2 months out of the squat suit. I'm trying to decide if I should just drop to 150-250mg/wk or if I should just come completely off. Is 2 months enough time for my endocrine system to recover a little? Will it do any good? Or should I just hold course and wait to come off for a longer time somewhere down the road?

My wife and I have decided that I get 5 years to see how far I can go before coming off to have kids. I'm not planning on stopping lifting, this is a lifelong sport. My wife competes too so she understands what is involved to be at the top of this sport. I've hit a pro total, I've got a lift on the top 50 all time list. Being on has been great, I just want to make sure that I don't mess up my health because of something preventable.

Thanks for any help you guys can offer.


TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
what a great way to start into AAS. good for you and your wife to have a plan! :D


Apr 5, 2011
all i can add is you are doing the cycling right my friend.....
Lizard King

Lizard King

Staff Member
Sep 9, 2010
May want to throw a liver test in there since you are already having bloodwork done. I always have a full list of tests I get done, including thyroid, psa, test levels, cbc, cholesterol.

If you are cycling then you would be coming off and recovering, if you are blasting and crusing then you would be staying on, which do you want to do? You are saying blast and cruise then saying you want to come off for 2 months.
porky little keg

porky little keg

May 21, 2011
May want to throw a liver test in there since you are already having bloodwork done. I always have a full list of tests I get done, including thyroid, psa, test levels, cbc, cholesterol.

If you are cycling then you would be coming off and recovering, if you are blasting and crusing then you would be staying on, which do you want to do? You are saying blast and cruise then saying you want to come off for 2 months.

I'll ask about those other tests, thanks.

My plan was to just blast and cruise, that's what most of the top lifters I know do. That or just plain stay on all the time. I've been told that to make it to the top that is what it will take. This was told to me by a guy in the top 5 of all time ( according to the PLUSA rankings) as well as my coaches who will remain nameless on here, but are well known in the sport. I keep hearing about how unhealthy that is and how I'll ruin my HPTA for life, burst in to flames.... whatever..... by most of the boards I've visited trying to learn everything I can about this. So part of my question was: I have a two month span in the late summer where I can back off of the super-heavy weights and let my body recover. Would it do my body any good to come completely off for two months or do you guys think that whatever health benefits coming off might bring wouldn't be realized if it's only two months a year and it would be better just to hold course and cruise through that period in time?

So, it's not so much that I want to come off, it's that I have the option of it and would like opinions on if it would even be worth it if I'm just going to be on the other 10 months a year. Would there be any benefit?

Thanks again for the feedback guys, I appreciate it.


TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
I'm not too versed in blast and cruise techniques, especially for your end game, but I do know that after being on for 6 straight months at fairly high doses (even your 400mgs/week "cruise" is high for a cruise), a two month break is going to be counterproductive for both your powerlifting and your health. Your test levels will plummet, and PCT would only begin to be truly helping you recover when it would be time to go back on. So I vote for not stopping, but rather dropping your cruise dose down to a more normal cruise/TRT dose of roughly 150-200mgs/week. This would theoretically bring your test levels back down to a physiological range, and give your organs and androgen receptors some sort of break, without losing a ton of strength, energy, and the sense of well-being.
porky little keg

porky little keg

May 21, 2011
I'm not too versed in blast and cruise techniques, especially for your end game, but I do know that after being on for 6 straight months at fairly high doses (even your 400mgs/week "cruise" is high for a cruise), a two month break is going to be counterproductive for both your powerlifting and your health. Your test levels will plummet, and PCT would only begin to be truly helping you recover when it would be time to go back on. So I vote for not stopping, but rather dropping your cruise dose down to a more normal cruise/TRT dose of roughly 150-200mgs/week. This would theoretically bring your test levels back down to a physiological range, and give your organs and androgen receptors some sort of break, without losing a ton of strength, energy, and the sense of well-being.

This is more of what I was originally thinking before anyone got the idea of coming off in my head. Anyone else have an opinion on this? Anything to add?

Thanks again for all the help guys, I appreciate it.
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