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Need TRT Advice



New Member
Sep 30, 2014
I have been suffering from low T symptoms for a while and recently got a blood test from my regular doctor. My testosterone was 402 and he said that was normal, that low was 198 (WTF)? I made an appointment with a local TRT clinic for Monday, in five days. This clinic only does shots, is only open three days per week, and only does TRT, nothing else. They accept my insurance and offer therapy to those without insurance for $250 monthly.

I am 51 years old, 6'2" and 187 pounds. My symptoms are depression, inability to focus and concentrate, extreme fatigue, and almost no libido. I have seen a psychologist with minimal results. I was treated for apnea when I weighed 215 and am compliant with an oral appliance. I am worried about losing my job because my fatigue and inability to concentrate are negatively impacting my performance. I am also concerned about being a good father to my two young children - it is difficult to spend time with them when I am taking daily naps and generally don't give a shit about life.

Here are my my questions. If I test at 400 again, will this clinic provide therapy? If they do, will my insurance cover it? If not, because it is in normal range, will they treat me for the cash price of $250 per month?

I have a feeling that this clinic will treat me at 400 because that is what they do, but I am concerned that my insurance will only consider the 400 test and not the other symptoms.

BTW, my appointment is at 5:45 PM and they will draw blood. My last test was fasting and at 7:30 AM.

Any thoughts, guidance, or advice would be greatly appreciated.



VIP Member
Jul 7, 2012
Your insurance probably wont cover if you test 400. The clinic more than likely treat you with your level at 400. It's hard to say if $250/mo is a good deal or not. That would depend on the protocol. If they are only giving you 200mg test/week then $250 is pretty steep for 4ml of test.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 16, 2010
I am sorry you are feeling depressed, from your post it sounds like you have a lot of items on your plate and seem pretty stressed out. What are you doing to combat the stress of life and is the psychologist helping you at all with your emotions?

Are you still being treated for Sleep Apnea?

All your symptoms to me seem related to sleep and stress and not getting a quality night of rest. Have you tried taking some OTC's to help you sleep better? Have you talked with your Dr about what his suggestions are?

Getting the the testosterone part. No your insurance will not cover the shots unless you are testing below 200.

If you are testing at 400, you are still 200 points above, and most guys test normal between 500 and 700.

Just my suggestion, before you start a program at that price, Get all your blood hormones tested, Thyroid levels, cortisol levels, vitamin D, and see a sleep specialist. I'd suggest you go see a good internal Medicine Dr, or see if the clinic will do all this testing for you.

I can tell you personally, without a good quality sleep, being on TRT will not fix the fatigue, inability to concentrate....ect. It helps, but that's probably not your problem.


New Member
Sep 30, 2014
Thanks for the quick and thoughtful responses.

I am concerned that my problems stem from issues other than low t. However, my apnea is controlled by the appliance. Stress is another issue and I wonder if I am stressed because of low t or if I have low t because of stress. And I know that 400 isn't technically low, and I am concerned about that as well.

However, when I was younger, I suspect my T levels were much higher. I was a champion, a winner, and had swagger (former professioanal athlete - does golf professional qualify?). In spite of my fatigue, I have managed to train but have great difficulty adding any muscle.

As for the quality night of rest, I frequently get 10 hours of sleep and augment that with a two hour nap. Assuming my apnea is controlled, and I no longer snore, I suspect I sleep because of depression and not fatigue.

I have taken antidepressants, but got no relief.

So I'm not sure if TRT is the right treatment, but, obviously, I'm searching for answers.

Thanks again for your advice/opinion. I do appreciate it.


New Member
Sep 30, 2014
Is it inappropriate to bump this soon?


Feb 21, 2014
This is the first time I've heard sleep apnea and TRT mentioned together. Can anyone explain the correlation?


New Member
Sep 30, 2014
Update - I went to a clinic that advertises for TRT and my blood work came back different than my GP's - I was 170 total and 5 free and I started TRT two days ago, 110 mg of test cyp weekly. They will run my blood again in five weeks and adjust accordingly, add Anastrozole if needed. It's covered by my insurance.

I feel slightly better since the shot, but that may just be a sense of relief having my symptoms confirmed. I'm not sleeping as well but my energy feels slightly better. I wonder if I just don't feel like I am dead to the world when I sleep but that this sleep is more restorative. Again, probably just placebo. I am looking forward to getting my next shot and have read there is little noticeable effect until the third shot and that benefits keep coming up through 18 months. I am hoping that I have similar results

PCDave - the symptoms of low t and OSA are similar; brain fog, lethargy, depression. I wasn't sure if my OSA was causing the symptoms or if it was low t. I use an appliance rather than cpap and wasn't sure it was working and was unwilling to get another sleep study done until I ruled out the low t, which I didn't.

Thanks again for the responses.


TID Board Of Directors
Dec 31, 2011
Osa can also lower your testosterone from the stress it puts on you.


New Member
Sep 30, 2014
Good point Prime. I've been checking out a few things. I am pre-diabetic, and borderline hypertensive, two of the symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Not sure where my triglycerides are, or my "good cholesterol," but these are two other symptoms of Meta-S. I will get these numbers at my next appointment. I also have suffered from Central Serous Retinopathy in the past. BP, Blood Sugar, and the Retinopathy are all influenced heavily by stress, as is Low T, I believe.

Bear in mind that I am 6'2", 187 pounds, with 18 percent body fat. For the most part, I look pretty healthy for a 51 year old man. But, I haven't felt well in 8-10 years and have been basically chasing my tail trying to figure out WTF is wrong with me. I have a nice home, a good job, and two beautiful children...and life has sucked. My GP has been no help, it's all on me.

So, the question is, do I have stress because of these conditions or are these caused by stress. I can tell you this, after a single dose of TRT, I feel less stress. I have a theory on that, but suspect it's more of a placebo effect than the single dose of TRT.

But, I don't really care. I feel a little mo betta. And am looking forward to the next shot. Is that so wrong?
Last edited:


TID Board Of Directors
Jan 18, 2011
Oral DHEA OTC may be beneficial along with TRT and ensuring you are getting adequate rest


VIP Member
Jan 28, 2011
Im glad your feeling better Spike, and no its not unusual or wrong to look forward to your next shot. I hope things continue going well for you.
You sound alot more upbeat and energetic now then you did in your earlier posts.Good for you brother.


TID Board Of Directors
Dec 31, 2011
Either way, at your age you will benefit from TRT.
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